- Dental
- Profile
Dr Ying Shi Chang is a board registered Specialist Oral Surgeon, having obtained her specialist qualifications from the University of Sydney. She is also a member of the Royal Australian Colledge of Dental Surgeons.
Dr Chang holds the position of Staff Specialist with NSW Health and operates across a number of hospitals in the Sydney Local Health District including the Sydney Dental Hospital.
She has had a range of experience, having previously held positions at the Nepean and Westmead Centres for Oral Health, Orange Base Hospital, Dubbo Oral Health Clinic, Royal North Shore Hospital, and Charles Sturt University Clinics. Dr Chang also works in Private Practice at Gosford.
- More info / bio
- Qualifications
- BDS , GradDipClinDent (SurgDent) , DCD(OralSurgery) , MRACDS
- Gender
- F
Contact phone number - 02 43231277
Practice address - Suit 2, Beane Street, Gosford NSW 2250
Email - [email protected]